Transforming professionals with impactful skills development.

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We imagine a world in which professionals are inspired to make a positive impact through confidence in their abilities to deliver consistent, superior performance.  

We believe that impact comes from building skills through lifelong learning, collaboration, cooperation and shared experiences. 
iEC Education is the education development and delivery arm of iEC Professional. We deliver 'practitioner-led' professional and executive education through collaborations with industry experts, leading universities and TAFEs.
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Our courses are based on practical and contemporary best practices in education design, instruction and delivery. To do this we partner with leading practitioners, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and academics from our collaborating education institutions across the Higher Education and TAFE sectors.

Why we are different..

Our partnerships with Australia's largest employer bodies and global professional associations, ensures we deliver 'practitioner-led', skills-based, professional and executive education to the exact needs of Australia's professional workforce.
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Our singular focus is on impact from learning!

  • Driving ROI from your investment
  • Measurable IMPACT for your employer
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In our programs, we adopt core design features that maximum learning outcomes for participants as well as optimising the transfer of learning back into the workplace to ensure the maximisation of IMPACT for participants' employers.

Key design features across our programs include:

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 Practitioner-led with co-designed with leading industry 'Subject Matter Experts' (SMEs);
 Work-based and experiential learning so that you can apply learning 'on the job' to learn today -               apply tomorrow; 
 Academic validity with quality reviews by our selected partner institutional academics;
 Contextualisation for industry sectors for custom corporate programs;
 Participation in our online learning communities of our key industry partners to support peer-to-             peer lifelong learning with ongoing access to tools and resources including skills assessments; and,
 Skills recognition by alignment to leading industry and professional competency standards. 

QLD Government Funded Courses:

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Through our partnership with the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA), we are contributing to the delivery of 2,000 placements through our industry recognised Professional Microcredential courses. If you are Queensland based, you can obtain you free access code for eligible courses by joining the AIIA Capability Hub (joining is FREE).   

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm having technical issues with the platform. How can I get help?
Please send an email to

Who are short courses targeted towards?
Our short course microcredentials are targeted towards any professional who has an interest in the subject matter. No prior knowledge is expected.
Are the microcredentials recognised?
Where ever possible our courses are aligned to industry and professional competency standards.
I am interested in exploring a Custom Corporate Education (CEE) Program, who should I contact.
To explore our CCE offering please reach out to us at
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela